
Elizabeth is a black multidisciplinary creative who believes in the potential for design to do good.She trusts that design underpinned with bold research, careful focus on implications, and an iterative process can bridge gaps and re-imagine futures.

Elizabeth recently graduated with a MGXD/MGD in Graphic Design at North Carolina State University. She currently holds a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Florida. During her time at UF, she had the opportunity to deepen her interests in co-design, disability justice, and equity through both coursework and independent study.  She continued to explore those interests in her postgraduate career, focusing her research on promoting the usability of digital library environments for low-vision users.

In the Summer of 2022, she worked as a design intern at OrangeYouGlad. Currently, she works as the operations and design lead for NC State’s Initiative for Community Growth and Development.

︎︎︎ Resume
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